Monday, November 21, 2011

I just went to have cereak, pored the milk, and tasted it...?

It tasred sourish not bad though, so then i tasted a sip more, then i smelt the bottle and it smelt a little sour. It wasn't old either it doesnt expire for 4 days. Will i get sick? There were no chunks or anything....??? now im not hungry anymore =( help im scared!!!I just went to have cereak, pored the milk, and tasted it...?
You'll be fine. You won't get sick from a couple of sips of sour milk.I just went to have cereak, pored the milk, and tasted it...?
If you don't like it, don't eat it. However it doesn't need chunks to be bad milk

Also, [this sounds stupid but do it] smell your refrigerator, if you smell something rank, your milk could have been taking in that taste. [Thanksgiving leftovers?]

One last thing, milk that doesn't use a screw or pop top [that seals closed] can take in smells and flavors from within the refrigerator

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