If this is you, im sorry? I cant be nice to people if they force me to not trust them.Why do crooks rob the pore?
no croook cares who or what he is robbing.
as long as it will inrich himself.Why do crooks rob the pore?
coz the poor cant afford security
Crooks are usually powerful and rich prompting them to abuse the poor. Thus, do not vote for abusive politicians.
the pore is stoopider.
Never trust spell check.
bad grammer.
Crooks rob from whoever has anything of value which they want, not just rich.
they don't know any better. plus they are as stupid as a box of rocks
Because it's so darn easy.
Easy targets. Poor neighborhoods tend to not have security and be busier at late hours so suspicious activity wouldn't be noticed.
Crooks don't discriminate, they rob everyone.
coz the poor can't afford good security.
Because the crooks are poor too. They live in the poor neighborhoods they rob.
Why would anyone rob a pore?
Crime is always about oppurtunity. Don't you think it'd be easier to steal a 1989 Honda Civic than a 2007 BMW X5? Which one is more likely to belong to a poor person?
Of course I don't condone stealing but my point is that it's easier to exploit those with fewer resources than those with a multitude of them. In other words crooks rob the poor because they think they'll be able to get away with it easier.
Robbery seems more like a crime of opportunity. A robbery or mugging will usually take place in a poorly lit and poorly patrolled area, such as a lower class neighborhood. The criminal won't feel as comfortable in a lit or gated upper class neighborhood. After the commission of the crime, it's easier to slip back into the crowd.
Also, do you think the police are going to pour resources into a poverty level crime; or are the police going to investigate the crime that took place to a Fortune 500 CEO?
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