Monday, August 23, 2010

Is pakistan have more pore power than india?

my friend said that they have nuclear weapons and also they have weapons that are used by USA (i,e) if usa have 3rd grade weapons means pakistan is having 2nd grade weapons

is that true

is pakistan superior than india

Is pakistan have more pore power than india?
Yes always countries who beg and depend upon other countries will have the most latest weapons but the comedy is they should know when to use it and how to use it.... and would u believe india conducted the nuclear test inspite of america have been watching us through satellite which amazed usa and because india tested Bramhos usa was frightened....... pakistan knows only to attack through terrorists and not by nuclear weapons........ because pigsonly grunt Is pakistan have more pore power than india?
According to very recent reports after Mumbai attacks, there was news on Pakistna claiming they have nuclear weapons which is more powerful and can load upto 25--30tons when compared to India's approx 10tons. And moreover seems they can strike any target in India within a short span of mere 10 mins. A missile left from its base is surely a hell on its target and this has to be considered seriously.We do have missiles too which can target Pakistan but what happens to the people who was hit from other side.

More concernable is talking of biological weapons..don't open your mouth...
Nuclear weapon will not see who is who - it will annihilate everybody - friends, enemies, superiors, inferiors. So, let the world talk peace, instead of wh has superior weaponry.
No,certainly not.In every area India is superior.Disabuse yourself of any such notion.

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