jwWhat would a pore persons life look like in Cuba?
Most people in Cuba are ( pore ? ) . They get barely enough to survive, live in wrecked houses, and don't dress well, but how would you define a ( pore ? ) person in Cuba ?
Cannot be according to salary, because many people deal in the black market. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to know in a general way. You might in a very specific case whom you know, but it might not be the average
For some inexplicable reason, people compare us to something else, but the comparisons suck. They show a great ignorance of how things are in Cuba.
By the way, America is a continent, not a country.
Now, the idea is a TOTAL LIE. There is no such thing as redistribution of wealth.
You should read: ';The New Class'; . Sorry, I don't remember the writer, but you can find it
You might say that the basics are covered, but it is very doubtful because everybody buys from the black market.
Where would be the best place to be poor ? ( which was NOT the question )
I can say that in cuba you feel depressed because there is NO HOPE, nobody expects things to improve.
We live in a condition of perpetual hopelessnessWhat would a pore persons life look like in Cuba?
pore=skin opening
pour= to decant water
paw=animals foot
now that the silly bit is over
poor people in capitalist countries like america live precariously with no (or limited) access to medical, housing, food but many charities and welfare schemes can help, the problem is the difference between the poor and the rich i.e cents a week to $10,000's a week income
in collapsed nation like Haiti or africa people starve to death in the streets and the body's left where they fall
in socialist / communist nations the ';idea'; is wealth is redistributed and no one is rich and no one is poor
in Cuba the ration book provides the basic food for a few cents a month the ration book provides NO meat, you get sugar, coffee, rice, beans and vegetables (even ron/rum) and the like. enough to survive but that's about it. housing education and medical is all provided free but the level may not be that great everything else would be a struggle but you are covered for the basics.
so where would be the best place to be poor and the worst?
best depends on your outlook in the USA a poor person would be better off but seeing the wealth around them might make them depresses in Cuba not so well off but you wouldn't feel so out of place and depressed as everybody in similar state
the worst any african nation where A.I.D.S is rampant and death and violence the norm
As somebody says here, what is ';pore'; ?
If you mean poor, living with very little food, scarce clothing, in a room sharing a bathroom with dozens of other people.
Some people here say that we are still better than people in haiti or some other places, but that is not the point.
We may be better than polar bears, seals and eskimos, but that is not the point.
Point is that before the brothers were were among the countries with better living in america. Now we are among the least
Sir? What does ';Pore'; Means?
Do you mean Poor as ';not having a lot of money';?
Well If that is what you meant, Basically you have no cash in the bank, some days you have very little to eat, you have to ration everything that because we have a certain amount of food's stamps that we have to make it last the entire month until the new stamps come in. They m ay give you enough food stamps to get 5 pouns of rice per person per month, Or 25 eggs per person. I can't remember but we got a loaf of bread each day and a gallon of milk per one of two kids.
We have very little money to fix our houses and buy clothes for ourselves and family.
I don't know, We are not as bad as people in Africa, but it is still very bad. At least we have enough food to eat to keep us alive.
That's my opinion!
you could live a very good life living in cuba with a bout 30G would last you 20 to 30 years compared to to USA
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