Friday, August 20, 2010

Pain from blackhead pore strips?

Okay, so I am using pore strips for the first time to remove the blackheads on my nose. What kind of pain usually comes when it is time to remove the strips? It would be good if you could relate it to another kind of common pain.Pain from blackhead pore strips?
Itis like taking off a bandaid. Remember to leave it on the right amount of time. I remember my Mom telling me that it really hurt. I guess we all feel things differently. I know one REALLY works. The dirt comes out and stands straight up!!! They look like mini trees!!!Pain from blackhead pore strips?
Thank you for choosing me. I forgot to tell you something. You need to have the area WET before you put the strips on!!!!!! Try it and let me know,okay? Report Abuse

it shouldn't hurt all that much when you remove it but if u leave it on too long and you start to remove it and it feels like ur ripping off a band aid. just wet the strip a little and take it off, if that happens.
read tips on treating acne and more on skincare on this site
it feels like tape on your arm is only temporary though....and boy do those blackheads come off!!! Dont worry about the pain when taking it off your nose, it's normal.
It's less painful version ripping a ban-daid off.
It probably doesn't hurt at all, but there are better ways to clean your pores. Just ripping the junk out stretches your pores and eventually they will lose elasticity and just be huge. Find a more natural way to clean them.
it will sting a little but be ready with either witch hazel(a natural antiseptic ) and some ambesol like the kind you put on gums and you will love the results
I don't even know if I was using them right!
Ha! It fu*ckin hurts! It will make your eyes water! I am not tryin to scare you but it hurts. Bandaid? I wish! If you keep it on and let it dry until its hard and feels like a cast then peel it off, it hurts bad as hell. Sorry girly.
it's not supposed to be painful but should feel more like peeling freezer tape off your skin.
It really doesn't hurt too bad... not even close to peeling a band-aid off. Just do it slowly....
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Blackheads/

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Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/



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The only pain I could possibly compare it too would be removing a band-aid. But I've never had them hurt me!
Bout as painful as a fart.. seriously. Doesn't hurt at all.. not like 'waxing' an area... Pulling slowly is best way for them to work, too.
There are more ways to remove them read some tips on how to remove blackheads and more on this site

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